I played a Napoleonic game today, seeing that I'm completely cut off due to
heavy snowfall.
It was the classic British v French Peninsular line-up. The game was a cracker
with a real "near run" feel to it. The French were the victors in the end but
only just, with four remaining units, most of them pretty battle weary.
I did have an issue during the game. I had a British line attacked from the rear
by a Dragoon regiment that had managed to move round behind it from a previous encounter with vanquished British cavalry. The Dragoons won - but where do the British retreat? I ruled they would still move directly to their own rear i.e. through the Dragoons. In this case they met a Rifle unit placed in their path and were eliminated. Just wondering how others would have ruled on this.
- British 2 man line firepower is very effective
- Use the crest line on slopes for British lines
- French artillery is brilliant, British very poor in contrast. If the French
had had more guns they would have mashed the British line in the unprotected
- the French Dragoons acting as dismounted infantry was a nice touch. Good range
if they are stationary and potent for defensive fire if charged.
Overall played very nicely as a simulation of Napoleonic warfare and reflecting
the Peninsular dimension.