Saturday 28 January 2017

Tank on Tank: Memoir'44 Conversion

I decided to try out my Tank on Tank "adaptation on the cheap" and enhance the visual look by using my Memoir'44 tank models. I think it looks great and gives me the ability to show facing using the tank model and still keep the stats in view by attaching the counter.

I can extend this to the Eastern Front and use the T-34s in the Eastern expansion. I just need to get a hold of counters to print and mount. I can also use my winter board and terrain tiles to get that appropriate Russian feel.

Friday 27 January 2017

Napoleon's War 100 Days: Waterloo

Here is my setup for the Napoleon's War simulation of Waterloo which I've recreated using my mounted Risk figures and Command & Colours board and hex tiles. I need to use a smaller C&C mapboard and not the fifteen by fifteen hex map so adjustments are required. Even though the battlefield has been reduced you still maintain the scope of the encounter and I like the look.

The game ended on turn 6 just after the Prussians started to arrive with the French achieving their victory point target of eight. The game played out on the British left flank and in the centre where some bold cavalry charges and infantry assaults managed to shatter the troops defending the ridge line and prevent the British cavalry reserve from moving on the French centre. All in all a good game and nice simulation of the battle.


Hold the Line: Trenton

Here is the setup for the Trenton scenario for the great Hold the Line boardgame. Always a nice visual treat with the thick linear counters and terrain tiles.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Battle Cry: Königgrätz 1866

Here is the setup for a Battle Cry adaptation of Königgrätz where the Austrians were beaten by the concentration of Prussian armies towards the end of the Seven Weeks War. I'm using the Memoir 44 board and terrain tiles and my Risk figures mounted on stands. 

Prussians in black outnumber the Austrians in white to simulate the superiority in speed of movement and concentration of force in the right sector. Actually forces were pretty comparable.

Cat got in on the act as usual.