Wednesday, 7 February 2018

One Hour Wargames: Scenario 3 Control the River: Peninsular War

Here is my setup for an encounter set during the Peninsular War using Scenario 3 where both forces, representing the advanced guard of a larger army, need to secure two strategically important bridges.

The British (Red) entered from the north, the French (Blue) from the south.
The French had two regiments of Dragoons which gave them superior maneuverability, the British fielded an additional battery so had more long range firepower.

The British tactic should have been initially a more defensive posture to utilise the longer range of their troops, however, their General decided he wanted to go for the bridges at the start and this caused problems in getting the British infantry, deployed behind the woods, around this feature. A series of poor activation rolls didn't help and the piecemeal British advance allowed the French time to move their cavalry up and over the right bridge and their infantry into good firing postions.

A flurry of combats and firefights resulted in a number of British units being eliminated while the French were able to hold their nerve and survive the British attack.

By turn 7 the British were down to three remaining units with no prospect of securing their objectives. In contrast he French held both. 

An enjoyable game with the Command Events and Activation providing all the friction I required to have a good solo experience.