Friday, 7 January 2011

More Biblical

I've just completed my third venture into the Biblical period. This time a New
Kingdom Egyptian v Hittite Kingdom encounter.

I decided to use my solo rules so I was the Egyptian and the NPG the Hittite
commander. He proved to be a better general than I and soundly whipped my army.
I didn't exploit the Egyptian mobility and he quickly managed to pin me down and
force me into a fist fight which I was doomed to lose.

Both armies had distinctive strengths and advantages. The Hittites were good in
a straight fight with their heavy chariots which were battlefield resilient.
Their poor infantry were good at supporting the chariots once the fighting
started. My Egyptian light chariots had all the potential to whizz around the
battlefield but apart from one successful unit, were forced into combat with the
Hittites. They could break away but were taking heavy casualties.

Overall another excellent game. Nice and fast with missile firepower a potent
battle winning element and speeding up the disruption of the armies.



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