Sunday, 7 October 2012

Battle of Leuctra 371 BC

I played a simulation of this classical battle between the Thebans and Spartans this afternoon. I chose the same historical deployments with 12 units per side. The battle commenced much as the original did with the cavalry clash and advance of the Theban left, however, the Spartan horse didn't scatter as they did historically and put up a holding resistance which bought time and allowed the entire phalanx line of both armies to eventually clash. It was looking good for the Spartan alliance until the deadlock suddenly broke on the strong Theban left with the destruction of the Spartan units and a spate of fortunate rolls from the Boetian allied phalanxes on the Theban right. As the Thebans turned to roll-up the remaining Spartan allies these conceded defeat and fled the field. A real hard fighting contest which went closer than the historical battle but with much the same outcome. The phalanx cohesion rule worked very well and made for rapid and bloody unit contests which seemed very in tune with phalanx warfare. I think I should have given the Spartans an advantage here to account for their superb drill and modify this to the second base loss resulting in the cohesion loss. An excellent game with lots of period drama.

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