Sunday, 7 July 2013

Marine 2002

I diverged a bit from my creation of some more World War II sub-periods and indulged a whim to develop an adaptation of the Future Wars rules to a board game I used to own back in the 1980s called Marine 2002. This was published by Yaquinto and was a tactical level simulation of combat on the moon between the forces of the United States and Soviet Union during the First Lunar War (1998-2002). 

Players take command of platoons of crack troops trained to fight in the hostile lunar environment. Combat takes the form of raids and quick hit-and-run assaults. There are no large battles and scenarios. Weapons are laser beams, neutron guns, charged particle beams etc. The environment itself is potentially lethal due to weightlessness, total vacuum and extremely low temperatures.

I need to playtest the rules but they are almost ready to upload to the Yahoo Group. They were a lot of fun to develop and I'm looking forward to having a game. 

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