I was rummaging around in the garage the other day and came across a box that contained some of my table top role playing stuff from way back in the late 1970s. I rescued the majority and took them inside to my room and a thought came to me as I liberated my books. I'd been mulling over doing some solo role playing and had seen a few examples on YouTube so why not use my old school games and give them an outing as solo projects.
I had actually played quite a lot of solo gaming back in the 1970s/early 80s so why not give this another go with the benefits of hindsight and experience. The first game I want to try out is AD&D First Edition. This has an enormous amount of solo friendly features and with some creativity and imagination this could be brought back for a "modern audience".
I have started the process, rolled up characters and developed a campaign setting. I've been pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable and immersive this has been. I'm planning to post regular updates detailing my game sessions and showing my ideas and rules modifications that support the generated milieu and adventures.
Some principles that I've tried to adhere to as much as possible are to use the rules as written, employ all the rules such as encumbrance, weapon factors and spell components and obey the rulings of the dice in all instances.
Here is my DMG. As you can see its very well loved!
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