Sunday 8 April 2018

One Hour Wargames: Scenario 14 Static Defense: War of the Spanish Succession

Here is the initial setup for this challenging scenario for the Blue attacking side. 
The Red defender has to keep control of the hill and town and maintain proximity of 12cm to both features with at least two units.

I decided to use my Malburian 6mm forces, partially painted. There were a few special period rules such as Platoon firing and Firepower Horse penalties which I used. The former provided a notable benefit to the British infantry units and this aligned with how this factored historically. The Horse on both sides were elite Heavy Cavalry and both forces were supplemented by a battery of artillery.

The French had poor command event draws and their unit activations were lack lustre. In contrast the British had some nice developments such as receiving a reinforcement unit early on and with losses mounting up the French side's attack largely petered out. It was all over in Turn 5 with a significant victory to the British defenders that not only held the objectives but had advanced and routed the French. An enjoyable and fun game with my solo rules delivering a lot interesting variety and friction.

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