I hadn't played a game from the Ancients period yet so I decided to try a line-up of Goths v Romans set in the Late Antiquity period using the Dark Age ruleset.
I decided to go for a straightforward deployment for both sides.
The Romans had a superior force composition as the Auxiliaries (warband) were rated as elite and the cataphracts were treated as armoured cavalry. This proved to be very helpful in hand-to-hand combat.
The Goths got off to a poor start and this continued with their activation rolls and the impact of disruptive command events. In contrast the Romans had better luck and a particulary memorable command event with the drawing of the inspirational leadership card. This had a major boost to the hotly engaged army at this vital juncture.
Here was the moment when the Gothic general and his unit of warband was destroyed.
The game ended with a rout of the Gothic forces with the loss of four units - I conceded on behalf of them ending the game on turn 7.
I enjoyed the game. Even though it was a basic line-up the use of my command event and activation rules, the break-off option I've devised and the influence of unit morale ratings all contributed to make it an interesting and involved contest.