Wednesday, 19 July 2017

My Collection: Waterloo Wargame (1975)

The old Airfix Waterloo Wargame, apart from Campaign which modelled a strategic level conflict, was the first battle simulation I played as a youngster that wasn't a miniatures wargame. When you think of it, it was quite a ground breaking concept of using miniatures combined with board game mechanics while being played out on a map representation of the battlefield.
I always loved the look of it and it really captured a ten year old's imagination. I'm missing the rules and basing instructions and also the historical notes but I've found scans on the Vintage Wargames site which I'm going to download and print out.

The miniatures required a bit of rebasing as my copy had been rather neglected until I tried to resurrect it recently. Still WIP as I've had to substitute a couple of French figures and need to get a better match of blue to blend in. The transfers on the bases are also a bit worse for wear so I might print out some new stickers and replace them. I will see how the time goes. I really wanted to bring the game back to life. It's probably had it's day as a competitive wargame but I might give it a try solo. I certainly adored it when I got it for Christmas - a schoolboy's dream.


  1. I too received this as a Christmas present when I was about 11 or 12. We (brother's) played it a couple of times although we were Neanderthals so quickly destroyed the pieces without a care much to our mothers chagrin, we were oblivious to how she sacrificed to provide it.

  2. Great work, what is the size of the "map mat"?. Trying to put one together and enjoying your great notes and details of the original set
